Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cindy Baron Workshop in Walpole Apr. 21 & 22

The Foxboro Art Association is delighted to offer a two-day watercolor workshop with prize-winning artist Cindy Baron. The workshop will be held Saturday & Sunday, April 21 and 22, in the newly renovated East Walpole Community Room at the bargain price of $120. You can view Cindy's work on her website www.cindybaron.com. The workshop is limited to ten participants and six have already signed up. So if you are a member of the Foxboro Art Assn and want to learn how a real pro paints gorgeous watercolors, you should contact Haydi Hurley soon at hchurley@comcast.net and send your non-refundable check for $120 made out to the Foxboro Art Assn., PO Box 440, Foxboro, MA 02035.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Paul George Watercolor Workshop

Paul George of Gloucester is offering a 2-day workshop "Painting Flowers in Watercolor", Friday & Saturday, Jan. 21 & 22, 10 am - 3 pm, for $200. Class is limited to 8 students. Paulʼs Studio is at 27 Commercial St, Gloucester 01930 (2d Floor)
Call 978-337-8234 or e-mail him at pg77@mac.com

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Norfolk Open Juried Show in March

The Norfolk Cultural Council is inviting all artists to its Open Juried Art Competition March 3 – March 31, 2012 at the Norfolk Library.
Reception: March 10, 5pm–7pm Awards, art, music & refreshments
Awards: Cash awards presented for the top 10 pieces of art
Entry Fee: $15 one entry, 2 for $20, maximum of 2 entries. Entry Fee is non-refundable. Please make check payable to Norfolk Cultural Council.
Application: Applications may be sent with payment. Check or money order will be accepted through the mail from January 16 through February 3. Digital images of artwork on a CD may be mailed with payment to: Norfolk Cultural Council, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk MA 02056 or sent separately via email to: norfolk2012@gmail.com. If you would like your CD returned please provide a self addressed stamped envelope.
Media: Two-dimensional artwork (Paintings, mono-prints, drawings, photographs and collages. (Prints of original artwork will not be accepted. All work must be original). Pieces must not exceed 36”x36” (including frame). All work must be framed & ready to hang with wire. (No saw tooth hooks).
Notification: Artists will be notified of accepted art work February 9, via e-mail or phone.
Drop Off: Accepted work must be dropped off on Saturday, March 3, 2012 between 11am and 1pm at the Norfolk Public Library, 139 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
Labels and Waiver: Accepted work must have labels provided with the application attached on the back. (Title, Artist, Medium, Price, Size, and Contact Info) Please be sure to bring a signed copy of the waiver with you when you drop off your work.
Pick up: The pickup date for the art work is March 31, 9am-11am
The Norfolk Cultural Council is not responsible for artwork left after this date.
• Jan 16 thru Feb3 - applications accepted
• Feb 3 – entries postmarked after this date will not be accepted
• Feb 8 – artwork juried • Feb 9 - notification sent
• Mar 3 – artwork drop off
• Mar 10 – reception 5-7pm
• Mar 31 – pick up artwork 9-11am
Sales: All sales must be handled directly by the artist. Information will be provided to prospective buyers with the necessary details to contact you about your art.

Here is the application:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Meeting

At our December meeting Tuesday evening, Tiago Finato (pictured above)enthralled the audience with his techniques in painting a still life. Tiago started with a gray, toned canvas, painting first a loose, abstract version of his composition, followed by painting in the darker elements and saving until the end the light-struck areas. All the while, Tiago explained the principles underlying his techniques. His demonstration was enjoyed by everyone and at the end of the meeting one of the members purchased the painting.
Frank Quinn noted that attendance at the meeting was free and open to the public and members were encouraged to bring friends or relatives with them to future meetings. The meetings are always held on the second Tuesday of the month. Therefore the next meeting will be Jan. 10.
Haydi Hurley is organizing a watercolor workshop with the wonderful Cindy Baron for the weekend of April 21. The cost is $60 per day and will be held in East Walpole. Contact Haydi at hchurley@comcast.net and let her know if you want to sign up for a 1-day or 2-day workshop.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Meeting Tuesday Dec. 13

The last meeting of 2011 is this Tuesday Dec. 13 at St Mark's, 116 South St., Foxboro (aside of Foxboro High School). Tiago Finato, the noted Fall River oil painter, will be the demonstrator. We will briefly discuss the upcoming 2012 workshops. All are welcome, even non-members. Free refreshments! Starts at 7 pm. Please come.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Second Day Altenative for Lussier Workshop

Due to the great response for the David & Pam Lussier workshop, we have added a second Sunday, February 12, to allow for smaller groups and more individual attention -- but probably at a slightly higher price than the $55 originally quoted. Please let Tony Donovan (tony@asdonovan.com) know if you can commit to either date (1/29 or 2/12) as he will try to balance the number of participants over the two workshop dates. The cost is still to be determined, depending on how many we have for each date.
And don't forget our upcoming meeting this Tuesday evening 7 pm at St. Mark's, 116 South Street, Foxboro.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

David Lussier Workshop set for January 29th IS NOW FULL

David Lussier Workshop
Jan. 29th
Walpole, MA
We are pleased to announce that the David Lussier workshop is now fully booked. The workshop with the team of David Lussier and Pamela Simpson will focus on painting water scenes. In this one-day workshop, we will learn how to interpret and simplify harbor scenes (boats, water, reflections, etc.). You will learn to draw and paint boats accurately and learn to understand how water and reflections behave and need to be interpreted. References photos will be provided or you can bring your own. This will be a fun workshop.

This workshop is open to all mediums as the Lussiers are proficient in all mediums and the concepts learned will apply to all mediums.

Thanks to Tony Donovan (tony@asdonovan.com) for organizing this workshop. Sunday, Jan. 29 is the week before the Soperbowl, so you won't miss any football games that day.
Cost: Because of the increased number of participants, the cost has been reduced to $55.
Location: East Walpole Library, corner of Walcott Ave and Union St in East Walpole. There is limited parking so you may want to consider carpooling -- or parking in the back of the post office around the corner.
Time: 10-4

Friday, November 18, 2011

Portrait Workshop

There is still room for one more painter at Dianne Panarelli Miller's portrait workshop, Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10-3 at the Artist's Studio & Gallery at Patriot Place. The cost is $50. And don't forget that on the following Saturday, Dianne will provide half-hour portrait sketches for $100 from noon to 3 pm. Interested? Contact Frank Quinn at fxquinn@yahoo.com.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Demo Recap and Resources

Hello,  Foxboro Art Association! As promised here is a blog summary of the demonstration I did for your November meeting. This post is a long one, but it's jam-packed with good source information about a bunch of topics discussed at the meeting.

Please feel free to contact me with a comment on this blog or by emailing kimweineck@gmail.com should you have further questions. It would be my pleasure to help. 


The nearly two-hour demo concentrated on four different surfaces and somehow I quickly was able to sketch four (!) paintings to show just how varied these surfaces can be.

Sennelier's Pastel Card is my favorite and so it was my opener. I created this landscape with two hay bales on dry-mounted charcoal colored Pastel Card. I find the paper, with its cork tooth, grabs color vibrantly.

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 12x16"
Sennelier Pastel Card
The next surface was Canson Mi-Teintes paper, which has two distinct sides. The 'right' side (with the Canson watermark) offers a zillion small circular 'nubbies' on it which I am constantly feeling the need to eradicate. I have a hard time with this paper on the 'right' side, but this paper keeps you 'true' and the effect of it can be soft and beautiful.

A member made the observation that this piece looked like it had a netting over the entire surface - the exact 'nubbies' I'm describing! Yes, I think you're right on!

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 12x16"
Canson Mi-Teintes paper, RIGHT side
If you turn this Canson Mi-Teintes paper over to the 'wrong side, an entirely different effect is achieved. No 'nubbies' are there. It's smoother and, for my way of working, I enjoy myself more as I am not fighting the paper the entire time I'm painting. The pastel pigment sits nicely on the paper, simple as that. 

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 12x16"
Canson Mi-Teintes paper, WRONG side

To finish up the demo, I painted this incredibly dull start of a pastel which needs so much work I nearly didn't post it here. For the purposes of being accurate, I'm including it, pride be damned!

PastelMat by Clairefontaine is a relatively new surface which is so mind-boggling in its ability to accept more and more pastel and yet confounds because it has no tooth or grit to grab the pigment. The paper I had was white, and a lot is still showing through. More work to be done, but those in attendance got to see how one works on the surface. 

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 12x16"
My goal is to finish up what I can on these and post when they're completed. I hope I can keep on this positive flow of energy since the demonstration this week and get to them soon! Please cut me some slack on these studies. They were done in great haste and aren't refined yet.


People asked me some wonderful, pertinent questions about materials. Keep in mind that this is my opinion. Please experiment and enjoy your own process of discovery! I'm reluctant to use the word 'best' here, but in my opinion, that's what they are!

The plein air set
The best go-to set of pastels for plein-air:
Sennelier's 80 half-stick set for Plein Air

The best paper for plein-air:
Sennelier's Pastel Card pad in either size available

The best fixative to protect your pastel and not have too much dulling of color:
Lascaux fixatif

The pastels I used for the demonstration:
Sennelier (so beautiful with Sennelier Pastel Card), Unison (loved these with the PastelMat surface), Terry Ludwig, Nupastel, and Girault.

The best sources for on-line ordering of pastel supplies:
Dakota Art Pastels
Dick Blick
Jerry's Art A Rama
Terry Ludwig

Please find me online at kimmorinweineck.blogspot.com and follow my blog, should you like.
I'm also at Gallery9 at Custom Art Framing as the Gallery Director. I'd be delighted to see you there.

What a wonderful experience it was to test myself for this demo. The crowd was wonderful with amazingly on-point questions and such encouraging comments.

Thank you to Foxboro Art Association for having me!

Some Coming Attractions

Sat. Nov. 12: Reception 2-4 pm at Norfolk Library for RISD Photography Exhibit “Let the Light In”

Sat. Nov. 12: 6:30 Art & Music Show at the Foxboro Orpheum. $10 admission. Featured artists include Karole Nicholson and Donna MacLure, plus 3 one-hour concerts.

Nov. 17-19: 15th Annual Boston International Art Show, Cyclorama Building, 539 Tremont St. (near Back Bay Station) $15 admission, under 12 free. Friday 1-9pm, Saturday 11am-8pm, Sunday 11am-5pm.

Fri. Dec. 2: Reception 6-8 pm for Ann Gorbett & Polo Barrera At Custom Art Framing & Gallery 9, 45 Central St., Norwood

Sat. Dec. 3: Dianne Panarelli Miller Portrait Workshop at Patriot Place Gallery Limited to 6 participants, $50 each. (5 hae already signed up!)

Sat. Dec. 3: Artists’ Reception 7-9 pm at The Next Door Gallery, Mansfield' Artists include Christina Beecher, Betty Brenton, Daydre Hamilton, Donna MacLure & Karole Nicholson.

Sat. Dec. 10: Dianne Panarelli Miller “Half Hour $100 Portrait Sketches” 12-3pm. At Patriot Place Gallery

Tues. Dec. 13: Next meeting of the Foxboro Art Association

Monday, October 31, 2011

November Demonstrator :: Kim Morin Weineck

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 16x12"
Kim Morin Weineck will demonstrate various techniques in pastel related to the wide variety of surfaces available for use in the medium at our next meeting, November 8th at 7pm St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Foxboro, MA

©2011 Kim Morin Weineck
original pastel, 16x12"

More information can be found about Kim and her classes on her blog kimmorinweineck.blogspot.com and on her Facebook page: Kim Morin Weineck's Art and on Twitter @kimweineck.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Power Outage at the Gallery

The Saturday night snowstorm created a power outage at Patriot Place, forcing the gallery to close on Sunday. Members can pick up their art work from the Fall Members' Show Monday afternoon 2-4 pm and Tuesday evening 6-8 pm (provided the power is restored by then). Members can also retrieve their works this weekend during normal gallery hours, when RISD photgraphers will be showcased.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Call for Artists!

Gallery9, Norwood is seeking artists for their 2012 First Friday art show schedule.
Are you interested?

Please click here to be directed to their blog with more information and a link to their submission page on their website www.customartframing.com

Sounds like a  great opportunity!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gallery Volunteers Still Needed

We still need volunteers to "gallery sit" for 1-5 and 5-9 pm, Saturday Oct. 22, for Saturday 5-9 Oct. 29, and for Sunday 11 am-3 pm Oct. 30. If you are available, please call or e-mail Frank Quinn (508-668-7031, fxquinn@yahoo.com).

Franklin Art Show & Sale Nov. 5

The Franklin Art Association will hold its spectacular, one-day only event, its Fall Members Show & Sale on Saturday, November 5, 11:00 am to 9:00 pm at Restaurant “3,” 461 W. Central Street (Rt. 140), Franklin. Free H'ors D'oveurs and a cash bar provided by Restaurant "3". Ribbons will be awarded.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bill St. George Workshop Oct. 29

Boston Impressionist and Copley artist, Bill St. George, will conduct a one-day workshop "Painting Outside the Lines" 10 -4 on Saturday, Oct. 29 at the East Walpole Civic Center. The workshop is being sponsored by the Walpole Rec Committee at a price of $50 for Walpole residents and $60 for non-residents. St. George is a dynamic, larger-than-life artist who promises to "loosen up" your painting technique. Examples of his work can be seen on his web page at http://www.stgeorgegallery.com/. Anyone interested in enrolling should contact the Rec Committee at 508 660-7353 or http://www.walpolerec.com/.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cindy Baron Demonstrated at Oct. 11 Meeting

Cindy Baron loves to paint outdoors. And when she does, she usually paints in oil. Even though she is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, and teaches watercolor at RISDI, she is also an elite oil painter and her demo at this month's meeting was in oil. She so loves the outdoors, that she spent a good part of Hurricane Irene photographing the heaving coastline of Rhode Island. She believes that painting outdoors is one of the best ways to properly see things and to grow as an artist. Growing up in Indiana, she used to be known as the “Painter of Barns”. But since relocating to Rhode Island, she has become known as the “Painter of Rocks” – specifically the rocks along New England’s coastline. Fittingly, this was the subject of her demonstration Tuesday evening, the waves crashing against the rocky sea coast during Hurricane Irene. If you missed the meeting, you missed a terrific, and somewhat unique, demonstration in painting a tumultuous and dynamic sea coast. For a fuller description of her demonstration see Tony Donovan's web page: www.asdonovan.com. To see examples of her work, visit her web page, http://www.cindybaron.com/.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Volunteers Needed at Gallery

The Foxboro Art Association needs volunteers to sit at the gallery for the remaining Saturdays in October. E-mail fxquinn@yahoo.com to sign up.

Art Reception Saturday 7-9 pm in Mansfield

The Mansfield Art Association will host an opening reception this Saturday evening, Oct. 15, 7-9 pm at the Morini Gallery for a special show of original works by more than 15 artists entitled "Artistic Journey". Among the artists represented are several members of the Foxboro Art Association, including C.J. Carr, Marilyn Healey, BJ Bjork, Karole Nicholson, and Claire Norris. The Morini Gallery is also home to the Black Box Theater and is located near Mansfield center, 377 North Main Street. The show runs from Oct. 15 to Nov. 18.
The following Tuesday, Oct. 18, the Mansfield Art Association will hold their monthly meeting at the Morini Gallery. BJ Bjork will demonstrate his oil painting technique.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Great Watercolor Show in Pawtucket10/9-11/3

The 18th Annual National Watercolor Competition is now showing at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society (RIWS) gallery in Slater Park, Pawtucket, RI. The opening reception is Sunday, Oct. 9 from 1 to 4 pm. This is a national show you definitely don't want to miss. The show continues through Nov 3. See the web site for more info: www.riws.org.

Reception Draws a Crowd

The Fall Members' Show held their reception on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at the Patriot Place Gallery and attracted more than a hundred visitors, not including the artists themselves. Everyone who came had a chance to mingle, second-guess the judge, and enjoy a delightful spread of low-calorie and not-so-low-calorie delights. We hope to do it again in March. So keep painting!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ribbons for the Fall Members' Show

Pictured above is Copley artist, Dianne Panarelli Miller, the judge for this Fall's show, with her pick as the "Best of Show", Ann Bridge's "Buckets of Beach Fun". Dianne was amazed by the quality of the show and had a difficult time choosing among so many worthy offerings -- especially the watercolors. In the end, these were her picks:

Watercolor - 1st, Jerry Aissis, "Watering Hole". 2nd, Donna MacLure, "Life Is". 3rd, Margaret DeVito, "Walking in Quebec City". And there were 3 Honorable Mentions: Karen Gordon, "Sweet & Sour", Haydi Hurley, "Rooster", and Leslie Berman, "Sisters".

Oil/Acrylic - 1st, Frank Quinn, "Skipjack's". 2nd, Paul Padalino, "Venice". 3rd, Ellen Little, "Lupine Fields". And 3 Honorable Mentions: Adele Corrigan, "Florian Cafe Musicians, Venice", Tony Donovan, "Blue Bomber", and Bob Finneran, "A Good Read".

Pastels - 1st, Nancy Bacevich, "Seashore Dance". 2nd, Diane O'Brien, "Still Life with Hydrangea". 3rd, Elizabeth Brenton, "Sammie". Honorable Mention, Tatiana Roulin, "Liz Taylor".

Mixed Media - 1st, Stephen Cross, "No Rain on this Parade". 2nd, Nancy Antico, "Mount Greylock, Red". 3rd, Jack Gannon, "Love". Honorable Mention, Rebecca Skinner, "Porthole".

Thanks to all the members for making this a great show. And don't forget the reception is this Saturday, October 8, from 2-4 pm. Light refreshments will be served. And we are still looking for "gallery sitters" for the rest of the weekends in October. The more, the merrier!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Members Show at Patriot Place

120 pieces of art, created by 62 members of the Foxboro Art Association, were hung at the Artists' Studio and Gallery at Patriot Place on Friday, Sep 30 -- about twice what was displayed last year at the Boyden Library. These pieces will remain there for the entire month of October, rain or shine, Red Sox or not, until Sunday Oct. 30, when they will be taken down -- unless previously sold. This exposure at Patriot Place is an entirely new experience for our members, and it will be interesting to collect feedback from gallery visitors. It would also be appropriate for our artists who are exhibiting there to volunteer 4 hours of their time to sit at the gallery and collect such feedback. Two such volunteers are pictured above: Haydi Hurley and Joan Sweeney are holding court for the inaugural show Friday evening, Sep. 30.

(Note in the photo the new panels that were installed to accomodate the larger-than-expected show. We can thank Jack Gannon, our Vice President, for procuring and installing these panels just in the nick of time.) Remember that next Saturday Oct. 8, 2-4 pm, we will hold our reception. By then, ribbons will be awarded, and tomatoes will be made available to throw at the judge who couldn't possibly recognize the talent of so many of our talented artists!

Oh well. Art is subjective. And judges are more subjective than most. The important thing is that 62 members participated and made Patriot Place a prettier place to visit. Thanks to them for putting on a great show!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Robin Carroll at the Art Emporium, Needham for October

Please join Foxboro Art Association member, Robin Carroll at a  Wine and Cheese Reception at the Art Emporium, October 15th, 1-4 PM 

Robin Carroll original watercolor

Watercolors, pastels and calligraphy of Robin Carroll, and the monoprint and mixed media pieces by Amy Schupler Veaner, on Saturday, October 15, 1-4PM at the Artists' Wine & Cheese reception. 

To preview the exhibit and/or for those who can’t attend the reception, the artists’ works 
will be on exhibit for the entire month of October in the gallery at The Art Emporium, 32 
Chestnut Street, Needham.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Paintout @ Patriot Place Cancelled

The scheduled Paintout @ Patriot Place has been rained out. Sorry. But don't forget the Fall Members' Show will exhibit at the gallery during the month of October. The dropoff is Thursday Sep. 29 3-7pm. And don't forget we need you to volunteer for a 4-hour shift during one of the weekends.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Franklin Art Gallery

The Gallery in the Franklin Art Center has gallery space available to artists working in all media, including but not limited to: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, ceramics, fiber, and digital works. The gallery accept unsolicited submissions on a rolling basis, which are reviewed quarterly by the Center Gallery Committee. We accept proposals from individual artists, collaborative teams, and individuals who would like to propose a curated exhibition. If you have questions about the enrty, please email Linda at franklinartcenter@gmail.com. Or call 508 887-2797.

ACT FAST! Franklin Art Fall Festival!

Franklin Art Center is having an open call for local artist to display their work during the month of October. The center is participating in the Franklin Harvest Festival with a gallery opening, a table on Main St, and multiple areas for you to display or sell your work. The 2011 Harvest Festival is held on Sunday, October 2, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m spanning the downtown area.

“We expect more than 5,000 visitors this year and we’ve had a tremendous response from crafters and groups who want to participate,” says Harvest Festival Chair Angie Grant.

We would like to show one to three pieces depending on demand. It is $7.00 for each piece properly framed with no size limit.

For more center hours and further information you can contact
Linda at 508-887-2797.

Opening Reception is on Sunday, October 2, from 11am – 4 pm.

Drop-off dates:

Thursday the 22nd 6 - 8 pm

Sunday the 25th 1 - 4 pm

Great classes from Walpole Recreation

We received this email outlining new class offerings for adults given through Walpole Recreation. Take a look!


East Walpole Community Center 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

$50 / $55 NR Saturday, Oct. 15

Bill St. George Adults

This fun and energetic one-day workshop offers the perfect

combination of flexibility for all levels of painters, from beginners

through professionals. Medium will be either acrylic or oil (or both).

A basic understanding of drawing would be helpful. Class warm-ups

and short exercises get students painting quickly & freely, then more

technical aspects of oil and acrylic painting are covered in longer

painting projects, from properly toning a canvas, to brushwork,

composition, and paint and color selections. One-on-one critiques

provide a supportive atmosphere and encourage student success.

Please bring a lunch. For more information re: art supplies, etc.

please call instructor Bill St. George at 617.710.2922 or e-mail him

at arts@stgeorgegallery.com.


East Walpole Community Center 9:00 a.m. - Noon

$125 / $130 NR Tuesdays: See dates below

Susan Kelley Adults

Have you ever wanted to paint outside? Draw inspiration from the

great outdoors. This class is designed for both oil and pastel painters

of all levels. We will meet outdoors (weather permitting - indoors at

the East Walpole Community Center if not) at various locations in

and around Walpole during our beautiful New England fall for 3

hours once a week. Instructor will call weekly with locations.

Materials are not included - a list of supplies will be given out at time

of registration - please be sure to ask for it!


AEP2 10/25 - 11/22


Walpole High School Art Room 1141 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

$70 / $75 NR / $56 SR Tuesdays: Sept. 27 - Nov. 8

Rosemarie Morelli Adults

Students will learn to draw still life and subjects of individual

choice while exploring techniques in charcoal and pencil.

Composition, line drawings, shapes and tonal studies will be taught

to improve foundation skills for a more dynamic drawing. This is

also a great preparatory course designed to improve artist’s skills and

understanding for stronger painting. Supplies needed: soft & medium

vine charcoal, 2 - 3 ebony pencils, kneaded eraser and 11” x 14” or

14” x 17” sketch pad or drawing paper. Students are welcome to

bring other drawing materials of their choosing to work in. An

“everything-you-need” drawing kit will be available for purchase at

first class for $15 wholesale cost. FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS. CONTACT




Walpole High School Art Room 1141 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

$70 / $75 NR / $56 SR Thursdays: Sept. 29 - Nov. 10

Rosemarie Morelli Adults

It’s all about using the right colors that make a great work of art!

This course is designed to improve your understanding of color while

learning to draw and illustrate still life, human form and subjects of

individual choice. Composition, shapes and color tonal studies will

be taught to improve foundation skills for creating a more dynamic

and painterly drawing. Students can draw in either color pencil or

pastels, or both. Supplies needed: #2H pencils and eraser,

Prismacolor assorted color pencils and 11” x 14” pad of drawing

paper, or, soft chalk or oil pastels and 11” x 14” pad of pastel paper.

Students are welcome to bring other materials of their choosing to

work in. Starter supply kits at wholesale cost are available for

purchase at first class. CONTACT INSTRUCTOR AT 508.668.4933 OR


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Members Show in October at Patriot Place

Members of the Foxboro Art Association will exhibit their works at the Artist's Studio & Gallery at Patriot Place during the month of October. It is estimated that more than 100 works of art will on display each of the four weekends in October. The drop off is slated for Thursday September 29, 3-7 pm. And the works will be hung the following day. Since this is an all-volunteer effort, the members themselves will provide coverage at the Gallery in 4-hour shifts each weekend. But we still need lots more volunteers, especially for the first and third weekends in October. And while they are sitting at the gallery, socializing with the public and each other, they can also paint. Any member wanting to help out should contact Frank Quinn at fxquinn@yahoo.com. as soon as possible.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Call to artists: VERMONT THROWS ITSELF TOGETHER, flood fundraiser

Here is a good way to help our neighbors who have been impacted by Hurricane Irene by supporting:



Arts organizations throughout the state of Vermont are joining hands to support those Vermonters who were impacted by Hurricane Irene on August 28th. We are planning an online benefit art auction to begin as soon as our first works of art are committed. We ask that artists donate one work of art, preferably an unframed work on paper or another medium that can be easily shipped. We will accept a contributed work from everyone who is interested in participating with the understanding that some works may not sell. Modest reserve prices will be set on each piece. Our goal is to raise money for Vermonters in need and please keep in mind that the sale price is not a reflection on the quality of your work. Art collectors are invited to donate as well.

If you would like to donate a piece to “VERMONT THROWS ITSELF TOGETHER” please email Mia Feroleto at the following address: greenandbluegallery@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Meeting Recap

Our first meeting of the year at St. Mark's Episcopal Church is now history. Secretary Haydi Hurley counted 53 members in attendance, including 15 new members, to watch Connecticut artist Bob Norieka demonstrate his "fluid acrylic" technique . Because St. Mark's does not have an overhead mirror, the audience crowded around Bob's table to watch him paint. Bob is best known as a watercolorist, but has painted in oils, and currently works in fluid acrylics, which has the quick-drying advantage of watercolor, but the "fixability" of oils, because it can be painted over. Bob is a spontaneous painter who planned to paint boats for his demo but, on the spur of the moment, chose to paint from a photo he found of our recent paintout at Patriot Place. He worked quickly and persevered good naturedly as members socialized around him. In the end, he produced a truly attractive painting of people gathering at Patriot Place --something worthy to be shown to a larger audience of art lovers.

Our next meeting is the second Tuesday of October. And don't forget that all artists are invited to participate in the upcoming Paintout @ Patriot Place Saturday afternoon Sep. 24.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our first meeting of the new season is TOMORROW night!

Don't forget that our first meeting of the new season is tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept 13 at St. Marks Church. The meeting starts at 7 but come early to enjoy refreshments, socialize, and meet our new members. Our scheduled demonstrator is Bob Noreika.

See you there!

Here is link to directions if you need it:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Paintout @ Patriot Place Saturday, Sep 24

Patriot Place has invited all local artists to join their Harvest Celebration with another paintout Saturday Sep. 24. The cranberry bog behind the Bass Pro Shop will be harvested for the first time, presumably by Ocean Spray, and lots of activities are planned . You can view the schedule on their web page, http://www.patriot-place.com/. (Patriot Place management promises good weather this time!) Artists can set up their easels or tables anywhere provided they don't block store windows or pathways. But it's fun to paint together in small groups, so whoever wants to come can join us between 1 and 2 pm in the North Market area, between Davio's and Bar Louie's.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Newsletters

All members should have received their September newsletters either by email or regular mail by now. If you think you have been overlooked, please contact Ann Gorbett at agorbett@hotmail.com or Polo Barrera at polodidit@gmail.com and we will add you to the list. There were a few members for which we have invalid email addresses so we are hoping to get that straightened out.

Look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting of the year on TUESDAY Sept. 13.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bus Trip to the Clark Museum CANCELED

It was just announced today that this trip has been canceled.

RIWS Gallery Director, Kris Occhino has put together a bus trip to Williamstown, MA on Friday, Sept. 16, 2011 to see the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. The Clark is an amazing museum and well worth your time to see. We will start the day with a docent tour of their permanent collection. Then you will have the rest of the morning to see the exhibit titled “Pissarro’s People” and the exhibit “Romantic Nature: British and French Landscapes”. You can go up the hill to another building on their campus to see an amazing fiber art exhibit by African artist, El Anatsui. Please check out the Clark’s website: http:www.clarkart.edu/museum/exhibitions-future.cfm

We will enjoy our bag lunches outdoors in a nice space for that. Afterwards, plan on sketching or taking pictures of the scenery. From the top of the hill there is a view (overlook) where, on a clear day, you can see all the way to Vermont! Then later in the afternoon we will take the bus to the Williams College Museum, a unique teaching museum. Admission is free. Finally, the bus will take us to the Williams Inn for a dinner before we head home.

The deadline to sign up is August 31. The bus company wants us to let them know how many are coming and pay them @ September 1st, so please help me out and sign up now. See the attached sign up form. It is also on the RIWS website. www.riws.org