Monday, February 10, 2014

Ed Chesnovitch Workshop March 29th

PUSHING COLOR BOUNDARIESwith Ed ChesnovitchSaturday, March 29th, 2014 Workshop, 9 am - 4 pm, Studio EastFire up your imagination and explorethe emotional side of landscape pastel painting.This one day workshop will focus on creating a series ofstrong simplified starts by using big shapes of bold color.We will then experiment with color temperature, complements and the addition of beautiful neutrals to push a painting further.Go beyond your comfort zone, create a more expressive sense of atmosphere and have confidence with color.
Let's push it and have fun! Send your $50 check made out to the Foxboro Art Association to P.O. Box 440, Foxboro, MA 02035 or Sign up at Feb.12 FAA meeting or contact Nancy Bacevich,

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