Circle the date Saturday, August 20, for artists everywhere to descend on Patriot Place and paint on location.

Some may recall that the Foxboro Art Association did this a couple of years ago and had a great time. So we want to do it again, but only bigger. So this time we invite all artists, not just members of the Foxboro Art Association, to join us in this massive "paintout".
(If it rains we will do it the next day, on Sunday the 21st. )

The plan is for artists to assemble together in the cut-through street between Davio's and Bar Louie's about 2 pm, unload your painting stuff, and then park in a nearby parking lot. Then the artists will fan out in small clusters of three or four to paint.
The idea is to create a mini-Paris for a few hours and to raise the public's consiousness of the talent in their own backyard. But mostly it's about having fun and socializing with fellow artsists.
You don't have to paint store fronts.
You can bring a photo reference and finish something that you started a long time ago.
Since it can sometimes be windy there, you might want to bring a jug or two of water and a bungee cord to weigh down your easel.
Weather permitting it will be great.
What do you think? Do you dare to join us?
Please contact Frank Quinn at with any questions.
Please contact Frank Quinn at with any questions.